Hurd & Honey

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What Every Home Needs During Spring

Spring is symbolic of new life, fresh beginnings, and beauty. Biologically we feel refreshed this time of year, that's our natural inclination; when our homes mirror what we're feeling, or what we're supposed to feel, it's easier to find contentment and enjoy the little things in life. Furthermore, if you create a space to represent an emotion, you're more likely to resonate with that emotion. Here are a few ways to style your home for spring. 

C O L O R 

There is color speckled everywhere with all that is blossoming. One color that you probably noticed first was yellow, because daffodils tend to be the earliest of blooms. And how about pastels? With Easter coming this weekend you're surely being inundated with pastels. If you have a piece of furniture with spring colors hiding in your guest bedroom, or possibly, in a poorly lit space of your home, bring it in sight. Allow it to have some glory during the glorious season. Your entryway, living room, or kitchen are some great places to add a pop of colorful spring. 

F L O W E R S 

This is the easiest time of year to keep fresh flowers around your home. A simple rose in a small mason jar or a colorful bouquet in your fanciest vase are both wonderful ideas. If you have a garden take cuttings every few days, flowers from your own plants tend to sing more beautifully. 


It's time to bring more light into your home. During the summer when the temperatures are high you're more likely to dim your home to save on energy, but while you still have cooler mornings keep the blinds open, and the windows cracked. There is no light more refreshing than natural light. 


Whether you love candles or diffuse essential oils it's time for the fresh, airy, spring scents. Spring is a great time to diffuse citrus. We are loving a mixture of grapefruit, lime, lemon, and we warm it up with a bit of clove. If you make your own cleaning sprays, use citrus or floral oils (or purchase the Meyers spring flavors). 

S I M P L I F Y 

After winter, in combination with spring cleaning, it's also a great time to simplify your decor. Store away the extra throw blankets and the jackets hanging in the entry hall. Your mantle can have a few bud vases and light bouncing mirror. Think of simplifying your decor until fall returns.