How To Blog

This is how I feed today...because I am blogging.
Goodness, blogging is difficult. Maybe that's a sign that I have a supreme brilliance that hasn't been released, just kidding. :) Today I was fishing threw some of my Pins...on my board..."My Ateliér", and finally decided to read some blogging advice. 

Thanks to Jeff at, it's beginning to make more sense. Here Jeff explains how to narrow down by establishing these three pieces:

 Subject -> Theme -> Objective

We thought we would share with you our journey of discovery - what is our blogging purpose?


  • What are we passionate about?
our business, making small business work, our home, living by faith

  • In what topic do we have expertise or a desire to learn?
design, home decor/room arrangement, education, woodworking, small business, family, budget, patience, trust...

  • What could I write about for a year without running out of ideas or energy?
using personal to make a house a home

Jeff encourages you to pick one, and only one subject. 

We chose "making your house a home", it ties to The Honey Shack as well.

Madeleine L'Engle


  • How can I break this subject down into its various components?
Home decor, Organization, DIY, Where to Buy, Capturing a Look, Cleaning Tips, Budget Friendly Design, Rearranging what you have, etc. 

  • What do I want to concentrate on?
This part I am still working on. It's something related to using what you have, minimizing the "stuff" and making your home a place of peace and rest. 

  • Is there a specific manner in which I want to attack this issue? What will my writing “voice” be? (e.g. Humorous, sarcastic, practical, anecdotal, etc.)
When I was a writing teacher the anecdotes were what always moved me most. I suppose anecdotal would be best, as long as I don't carry on too much :). 

Specific manner...does it have to be intentional?


  • What do I want to accomplish with my writing?
We want to connect to people and inspire.

  • What impression do I want to leave?
We want to leave an impression of humility, that we are vulnerable, real people. 

  • What’s my goal? How do I measure it?
We want to bless you, our readers...