How to Organize Your Photos - Step One
We’ve been parents for a year now, and one thing that everyone can agree with is the passing of time and how quickly it passes! If time is going by this quickly, how in the world can we keep up with the millions of pictures we take?! Not to mention, don’t you miss the days of photo albums? Whenever we visit my grandmother's or Sam’s parents, one thing I love to do is sit down and peruse the albums. As Ester grows, surely she’ll enjoy albums as well. But with all of the photos sitting on hard drives, there won’t be any albums for us to pass along to her!
We made it our goal to clean things up! And before we even attempted the digital photos we began with the hard copies.
This simple process only took a few hours…
What you need::
- Ziploc Quart or Gallon Sized Bags
- Pen or Marker
- 3x5 Notecards
Gather all the printed photos you have (or all of the ones you can access (some may be up in the attic). Begin grouping the photos by relative decade, do the best you can.
Look at the fashion, the location, and if you have family around maybe ask for a few pointers.
Once the photos are separated by decade begin to organize each decade pile into smaller, more specific time frames. I chose categories like infant hood, toddler hood, elementary, middle, high school, college years, etc. etc. As I began grouping this way my memory became a little better and I could figure out the years. Stash each pile into a ziplock bag and use a 3x5 notecard to write the range of years (approximate).
Once a week grab a bag and write a little note on the back of the photos (name the people in the photo and any other details). We'd recommend writing on a sticky label and then sticking it to the back of the photo (this will prevent smudging and bleeding).
Your children/grandchildren will appreciate this one day. Be as specific as you can with details (dates, names, location, description). If you're feeling extra motivated, and if your memory is extra sharp, begin to order the photos in each bag by dates. Once a bag is complete it's ready for an album or shoe box. An album is the best way to keep your photos in order and in best condition.
Now when your mom brings over a few photos of you from your 7th grade talent show you know exactly what to do with them!
Our favorite photo album can be purchased here on Amazon.
We’ll tackle the digital photos next (the hard part)! Stay tuned for Step Two, and have fun going through all of your photos! Break out the coffee and cookies and make it a family event!
Also, browse our photography board for more tips and ideas!