33 Lessons in 33 Years
On Saturday, I'll be 33.
I feel younger than 33, but I also feel as though I've lived ten different lives. I've moved at least twenty times, some of the moves were big, and others were just from one apartment to the next. With age, as they say, comes wisdom. I may not be "wise" yet, but I have learned much in my short life, and I hope to continue learning and growing.
Through pain and adversity I have learned the most; the harder things in life have consistently proven to birth the greatest blessings. Life's fires shape us and keep us raw, they keep us closer to God.
33 Lessons in 33 Years
1. Keep Eternity in Mind
2. Forgive Daily
3. Listen to the desires of your heart
4. Let people take pictures of you
Growing up I watched the women in my family hide from the camera; they thought they were too fat or not pretty enough for a photo. I'm still working through this. I want to be a confident example for the generations that follow, even to my teen sister. And once I'm old it will not matter, and I'll be thankful that there will be photos to share.
5. It's okay to be introverted
It really is, and I'm embracing my introverted ways 100%. The world requires all types.
6. When you get married you start your own family
The better care given to your immediate family (spouses and children) the more genuine energy you'll have for your extended family.
7. Dog hair is annoying, but worth it
8. Listen
9. Live within your means, or beyond them, it depends on the season and the circumstance
Yes, it's important to save, but it's also important to spend.
10. Cry
As Jim Valvano said:
“To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day. That’s a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you’re going to have something special.”
11. Break the rules that need to be broken
12. A college degree isn't always necessary
13. It's okay to go to college for the experience and never use your degree
14. Buy flowers, it's not a waste of money
15. Trust in the Lord, step off the boat
16. Eat Real Food and occasionally the Hot Cheetos
17. Let your daily life be a testimony
18. Wear your rose colored glasses if you own them
I keep mine on almost always, but Sam will sometimes remind me to take them off and face the facts. I listen, but quickly put my glasses back on, I'd rather find the beauty.
19. Follow through with people but it's okay to walk away from projects
20. Water your plants, but not too much
21. Each day is a gift
22. Lessen your expectations but have high expectations
23. Not everyone will agree with you, and that doesn't mean that they're bad people
24. Pay your bills
25. 90% of the time vegetables will rot in the fridge
So why even bother? Just kidding :)