Giving ideas a chance...
"Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me." - Carl Sandburg
About two months ago we were contacted by a loyal customer, Michael; his request was for an "A-Frame Chalkboard". {We had considered adding a product like this in the past, but thought that it wasn't a necessary addition as there were already many available on the market. Additionally, back when we initially added our chalkboards (last summer), we thought they would just be something temporary to add variety to our shop. Well, handfuls of chalkboards later, we are glad that we gave chalkboards a chance.} We agreed to make the A Frame, and proposed our design to Michael:
And soon the "Hurd & Honey" A-Frame Chalkboard was born.
After staging and photography, we shipped the board off to Michael...
Shortly after listing this new product, we were contacted by a lovely lady who works for TOMS. She requested a dozen of our boards for use in promoting TOMS coffee! TOMS recently began a new "One for One" initiative with coffee beans. Read more here: Following her order we received three more orders from other restaurants/business around the country. On Monday, April 28th, we shipped out 15 A-Frames. We were exhausted, but greatly thankful. You just never know what can happen. So....If you are stuck, remember to continue to move forward, put your ideas out there, because you really never know what may come from it. :) If it can happen to us, working from our home, in our little garage woodshop, husband, wife, and two pups, it can happen to you!
(A special shoutout to Dad and Julie, thank you for helping us during that crazy "TOMS" week!) Thank you for reading :)