Creative Home Decor Ideas
There are no rules when it comes to home decor, and the more your home is a true representation of your own style and comfort, the more of a "home" it truly is. If you're tired of the bulky overhead kitchen cabinets, why not choose to go with beautiful floating shelves. If you need a bit of extra storage, consider adding a vintage hutch in your dining room.
Add Creative Seating
While couches are the standard, and probably convenient for multiple person seating, you don't always need several extra chairs. Instead of the comfortless slipper chairs, why not get hammocks and put them in place instead? We all have guests that visit our homes, but most days of the weeks our homes are just filled with our own families. Children and adults will love the addition and comfort of a hammock.
If you're from the 1980s or 1990s you probably remember bean bags...and weren't they great! This comparison chart will help you shop for a modern version, another substitute for those slipper chairs.
Hide the Television
It really is true, television is terrible for tranquility, it is. We are guilty of too much television, screen time, Netflix, etc. in our home. Technology is easy, in all the noise that it creates, it silences our own voices, which is something we look for when we have young children. Sadly, we take advantage of this luxury instead of engaging one another with meaningful conversation. The problem is, if we don't model to our children how we manage self care without technology, then they won't either. They will be less likely to reach for the books, to sit outside and look at the stars, to write in their journals, or to be up for an evening walk.
The first step is to make our homes less "TV centric". Build your television into a unit and cover it with decorative doors. Or, if you're ultra ambitious, get rid of the TV altogether. In place of the TV above the fireplace, hang artwork, in place of the TV on top of the mid century modern console, display artifacts, or minimalist decor, and maybe a few stacks of books.
Choose A Creative Kitchen Arrangement
While a kitchen table is ideal for most families, it's not always an option. Maybe you've transformed your dining room into a spare bedroom, and your kitchen nook is just too small for a table. Why not build out the island our countertop to include a breakfast bar? Wouldn't that be just lovely, a place to gather and eat, similar to a diner. If you're not much of a traditionalist even consider finding vintage mismatched stools to place along the bar.
Remove Doors
While I do find open concept floor plans to be beautiful, sometimes they can feel a bit too open. I have also been deepening my understanding for feng shui knowledge, and find it interesting and compelling. For example, my husband and I were discussing the layout of our bedroom, and possibly placing our bed away from the walls. I decided to see what "feng shui" would have to say, and it's a huge "No". I leaned also that in a bedroom you should always be able to see the door, but you shouldn't be too close to it, or directly in line with it (your bed specifically).
In a living room layout, some walls/partitions are necessary to give your home a cozy feel, but removing excess doors (like the door to a hallway) can give the space a more open feel, all the while adding to that secure feeling. The open doorways allows energy to move around as needed.
What creative home ideas do you have in mind?
*This is a collaborative post.