Sustainable Living With Essential Oils
Adulthood is challenging, especially when it involves parenting. Changing habits, adjusting budgets, and making decisions is exhausting. When we're young we always wish to be older and have more responsibilities, and then we realize that it's a heavy load to haul.
It may sound dramatic, but essential oils can help. Not only will diffusing lavender in your home relax you, it can also save your health, and help your budget. And if you're inspired by all of the sustainable living trends out there, essential oils are a wonderful way to begin.
When you head to the store to purchase the ingredients to make a homemade body butter you may be shocked by the price of essential oils, witch hazel, and carrier oils, but the cost is worthwhile. A little will go a long way, and our heath appreciates natural healing ingredients as opposed to chemical home cleaners and cosmetics.
It's kind of like having the luxury of going into your garden to cut flowers to bring inside. It always seems easier to spend money on a bouquet at the store, but years down the road, when you've nurtured your perennial garden, you'll have endless flowers to choose from. You'll likely be making bouquets for your friends. Working with essential oils becomes easier as you learn more about them and try various recipes.
If you have a dream of becoming a homesteader, but have no idea where to begin, especially after having a conversation about High Country Roto Rooter - Colorado, spend some time with your essential oils, and learn about all the ways you can use them. Once you feel like you're making strides to be more sustainable in small ways, you'll feel more confident in the larger areas, like keeping backyard chickens and growing vegetables.
Essential oils are wonderful, they really are, we use them each and every day.
*This is a collaborative post.