Keeping A Pest-Free Home

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey

***There are no creepy photos in this post.***

Nothing is worse than tiny unwanted guests in your home. Whether you rent or own, bugs and rodents can become an issue. I think back to my college years, living in rundown apartments, I did everything I could to keep the pests away, and even went as far as keeping all of my food in the fridge, even raw beans. 

It's always better to prevent the tiny unwanted invaders than to wait for them to show up. 

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey

Call The Experts

Before you decide to stay out of your kitchen forever due to one ominous field mouse, call the experts. Whether it's bug or mice extermination, pest companies will not only get rid of the problem, but will help you take measures to keep the pests out. They will also come back on a quarterly or as-needed schedule to keep both the inside and outside of your home maintained. One of the things we learned while living in Texas, as long as our outside was pest-free, we rarely had any indoor visitors. 

If you're concerned about the chemicals and poisons that pest control companies use, especially if you have babies and young children, choose a businesses that uses less harmful substances. It may even be a good idea to stay with a friend while your home is treated. This is especially important if they spray indoors along the baseboards where your babies crawl. 

Deep Clean Your Kitchen

Deep cleaning your kitchen (behind the fridge, around the stove, and in the cabinets) is crucial to keeping pests out. If you're moving into a home or an apartment, deep clean the kitchen prior to unpacking. It's also important to avoid leaving dirty dishes out overnight; waking up to a clean kitchen is a beautiful start to the day.

Keep all pantry items (crackers, cereal, cookies) sealed in plastic bags/pyrex, or in the fridge if you suspect a pest problem. This will help avoid an accumulation of crumbs that they're attracted to.

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey

Check For Leaks

The smallest drip could be enough to keep a small colony of bugs or rodents alive. Inspect under all sinks, washing machine plumbing, and kitchen plumbing. Having a small leak can also damage cabinets and increase the water bill. 

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey

Set Traps

If calling a company for help is not in the budget, or perhaps you're not afraid of trying to rid your home of pests independently, it may be time to set a few traps. Many homemade or store-bought traps may work in your garden if you are suffering from bugs out there too! 

***The video linked below does show ants (a heads up for those of you that do not like to see swarming bugs).***

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey

Use Vinegar

Just like my husband, rodents and bugs dislike the smell of vinegar. There are also essential oil blends you can add to your vinegar spray bottle that will repel pests. This is an all-natural option and budget friendly. Pinterest has endless information regarding natural repellents and ways to keep pests away. 

*This is a collaborative post.