Kitchen Hygge



I love it when our kitchen is clean and tidied, especially when I come downstairs in the morning. It sets the tone for a day of better rest. Ironically, it's the hardest space in the home to keep clean. Meals are cooked and prepared throughout the day, items are placed on the countertops and left there to be put away, the kitchen is the catch-all space for the home, the operation center. 

How in the world do we maintain hygge in a space that stays endlessly busy, (without eating out all the time)? 



Think Minimal

Sam and I are hardly minimalists, in fact, today I swapped Ester's playroom with our guest bedroom and realized that we have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF. I am terribly sentimental, another INFP issue, and continue to tell Sam that the only way we're going to ever get rid of Ester's excess is if he helps with the purge. I sit there and think, "awww, I remember when she got this" or "her grandmother gave this to her, how could I ever get rid of it"...and that's my life. I'm not as bad with the kitchen, and thankfully, I prefer the least amount of gadgets possible. 

The less you have in your kitchen to begin with, the easier it is to clean. Purchase one set of matching neutral dishes, have a few decorative pieces that you love, and donate the rest. You only need one blender, one toaster, etc. Give your kitchen a minimal purge and it will already feel like a magical place to cook. 

In this case, lifestyle changes aren't what we're recommending, just a little bit of removal. 



Add Your Style

Yes, kitchen counters are wonderful when they're clean, but no, they shouldn't look like you just moved in. Add a few plants if you love them, add the the cute chicken cookie jar, if you love it. Make sure your kitchen, like the rest of your home, is representative of you and your style. If you're a maximalist you can still have a kitchen that offers hygge, just be intentional with what you add to the space. 

Our kitchen has a few plants, candles, jars of fermenting foods, a chalkboard, and a pretty canister full of tea bags on display. For us, it's not too much.



Add Warmth

We don't need to hire a kitchen remodeling contractor to warm up our kitchens. I have always loved a kitchen that has space for a lamp, it's just cozier. Because of shelving and cabinets, lamps are tricky, but a beautiful, low light sconce could work, especially over the sink. Another way to warm up the kitchen is with candles, they look lovely, light them after you've cleaned the kitchen. 

A warm kitchen will also inspire you to bake more, and baking is the best way to fill your entire home with hygge.

Brit Co

Brit Co

It doesn't take much to make our kitchens feel warm and lovely. Load the dishes when they're dirty, clean up after you cook, and add some character and warmth. 

*This is a collaborative post.