Make Your Home Last

Hurd & Honey

Hurd & Honey

Homeownership is a blessing, it’s considered a milestone for many of us. Upon becoming homeowners, hardware stores like Lowes and Home Depot grow in their appeal; they offer the materials to take any home and make it one’s own. I love browsing through the paint colors, and choosing what to paint next. 

Home ownership also requires updating and maintenance, and depending upon the age of your home, full remodels may be in store. Regardless of the age of your home, it’s always beneficial to be proactive with the care of our homes. 

Websites like Art of Manliness are helpful with providing home maintenance schedules. Just like the housecleaning, home care must be put on some type of a rotation before breakdowns begin to occur. 

The Simple Dollar

The Simple Dollar

Exterior Care

Weather is typically the biggest culprit when considering home care. Stormy weather, excessive damp weather, extreme temperatures, and natural disasters all wreak havoc on our homes. While some occurrences are impossible to prepare for, there is much we can do to protect the exteriors of our homes. Erie Metal Roofs help reflect the sun and keep our homes coolers, these types of roofs also last longer. Choosing durable all-weather paint for your siding, or the proper sealant for your brick will help maintain the exterior walls of your home.

Considering the trees you plant, how large they will grow, and what damage their branches can cause should also be considered. Window quality should be the best you can afford, and they should be maintained and cleaned on a schedule as well. 

Exterior care isn’t always exciting, and doesn’t necessarily improve the aesthetic of the home, but a strong exterior will ensure a healthier home interior. 

Get My Home Together

Get My Home Together

Interior Care

When choosing materials for your home’s interior, consider what will last and remain timeless. Flooring like wood will last longer than carpet or vinyl. Wood flooring does require maintenance, but will certainly give your home greater value. Granite countertops, while they’re not necessarily most popular right now, create a hardy surface that will prevail for many years.

Home maintenance often spirals out of control when we choose to neglect regular maintenance.  

*This is a collaborative post.