Prioritizing Your Home Projects
Upgrading our homes, even brand new homes, is always exciting. When you're a homeowner it's exciting to know that your home can be customized however you'd like. You can change the paint, the floors, the cabinets, the windows, and the decor can hang all over the house without worrying about losing your deposit for holes in the walls (coming from someone who rented for many years).
On the other side, home ownership comes with great responsibilities, which can be mostly annoying. I would much rather buy new linens than spend the money on rain gutters.
Before tearing apart your kitchen and adding those beautiful hex tiles, consider what matters more, should you protect your home from the storm? I mean this figuratively, but also literally. What needs to be done in your home as a matter of priority. You'll want to start with making a list. The DIY projects you have neglected because other things came up, can possibly be completed, with just a little organization. Make a list of all of the ideas, must dos, may dos, etc. Maybe you need new sprinklers, or Radon testing in your basement, write it all down.
Now it's time to prioritize this list. You may know that water damage restoration is at the top of your list, but if you have a few months before the rainy season, you could rearrange this item to come after a few other items. Consider the season you're in now, what your finances look like, and who you have in your life that can offer their expertise.
In the meantime, if you find yourself discouraged, knowing that your kitchen remodel is now realistically years away, think about temporary little upgrades to make your home full of more Hygge. When we're living with Hygge in mind, we're more content with the way our homes are before our upgrade dreams.
Now that you have your list, in order by priority, tape it to the fridge and begin to focus on one task at a time. Maybe the first thing on your list is a new HVAC unit, and this may be the time to jump for the ductless HVAC unit. It's hard to feel exciting about your home's air quality, but that's why putting in the research helps, it motivates us to care about the less tangible and less rewarding home projects.
The most important thing is keeping in mind that the priority home projects are likely the ones that will last for many years, and make your home more efficient, and more maintained. It's kind of like when you were a teenager, your parents were always telling you to save your money, imagine if we had all listed to that advice. We wouldn't have to have a budget anymore if we only would have listened to Dad. :)
*This is a collaborative post.