When Spring Brings Unwanted Pests
It's officially bug season! With beautiful spring comes the bounty of bugs. Being new to Colorado means getting used to dry climate bugs again (right now I can see spiders outside of our basement window as I type, eek!). And no matter where you live, bugs creep and crawl.
Bug infestations can cause significant damage to our homes and the furniture contained within it. And most of us don't like dealing with pest/bug issues, they're just creepy. I'll never forget when I was in college, we rented a duplex, and there was a tiny mouse in the kitchen. My roommate and I literally avoided the kitchen for over a week (it had a door), we were too scared to deal with it, haha! Our grocery budget was depleted after one week of eating out.
There are several home remedies, and natural remedies, that can be used in case of an unwanted bug intrusion. The hardest part is working up the courage to get close to the little critters. In other cases, professionals are needed, and while it costs, it saves you the trouble of getting too close.
Most people tend to notice bug infestations when it's too late. If you live in an area where a specific bug/pest is a problem, you'll probably want to be proactive, and hire a service. For example, termites are a problem all over the United States. You may need to get some termite protection as soon as you can, and professional services that prevent termites are probably the best.
When I lived in California the termite orange oil advertisements were always on the radio. My high school had issues too, I remember teachers pulling back chalkboard and showing us termite colonies, crazy!
Termites love wooden furniture or flooring, and they're often behind walls. If your home has never been assessed for termite damage, this spring may be the time to do it.
Most homeowners encounter their infestation problems in person, they will hear or see the bugs moving inside their house. It's common with houseplants too. Basically it's hard to see the larva and the eggs, but once the bugs hatch and begin to crawl or fly around in your home, you'll notice them.
We recently had an issue with fungus gnats swarming around our houseplants. As annoying as it is, we defeated the issue with "Mosquito Bits". There are many types of houseplant pest, and some of them can be cured by releasing live lacewings in your home (yes, live bugs that eat the bad bugs).
Ants, annoying! But ants are actually quite easy to get rid of on your own. They're typically in the home to search for water on hot/dry days. Vinegar and borax are common household items that can help fend off the unwanted soldiers.
Bugs can be annoying, all pests are annoying for that matter. Remember, not all bugs are a nuisance, and not worth getting too excited about. A simple Pinterest search for "getting rid of ____" will help guide you to controlling your bug problem.
*This is a collaborative post.