A garden is never finished, it's always a work in progress. But, with a little bit of work each day during the growing seasons, you'll have a beautiful garden, whether than be a flower garden or a vegetable garden.
Read MoreJust today I was able to go out into the garden and cut flowers for our dining table (photo above). It's comfort to my soul to be able to grow flowers for our own home.
Read MoreIf you're in a climate that allows for a desert landscape, it's worth considering. Desertscapes are low maintenance and beautifully simple.
Read MoreIt's always a wonderful feeling to pull up to your home and love what you see, it's the best way to welcome yourself home on any ordinary day.
Read MoreCreating your own beautiful flower garden can happen, and with very little maintenance.
Read MoreThis summer, instead of enrolling your children in endless extracurricular activity (like camps, lessons, etc.), why not take a few road trips? They are likely more memorable, and will be a time to create memories together as a family.
Read MoreA little shade, some water, and natural materials is all they really need.
Read MoreA garden is a beautiful thing, especially during the pleasant spring months. A garden is a wonderful place to relax and learn; it’s a place where you can immerse yourself in nature. It's rewarding to watch the bees buzz innocently in the long bloomers as they work hard to keep the planet alive.
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